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Steven Kovax

Steve Kovacs, actually. was a guy that i met thru, my cousin Jacob. He had met Steven in CA, a long time ago. Apparently some drugs were involved, and definitely drinking. I'm not sure what to think of Steven, he is my cousin's Ex boyfriend...

one hand you have the fact that he is a good guy, from what i know. Also he has a good job, always seems like him and my cousin had money. My cousin is gay and drinks to excess. From the first time i met him when i was 18 yrs old, and he came down to visit his twin sister"my cousin Deb" he would always want to drink, ..and me not being able to handle alcohol at all really. Made his visit, one to remember. Especially when i got all wasted and started crying and screaming at him for no apparent reason.

Who know's how much partying really went on in his life, if it was anything like my past..then allot of partying.... But Steven and I started talking on the phone, occasionally. ...I was with my ex at the time, then occasionally turned into regularly then that turned into everyday.

Pretty soon me and Steven were laughing and talking on the phone all the time.. this was not pleasing to my ex, whom always found a way to bring up Steven's name in our arguments. Soon a visit was going to take place, to Denver. this was Steven visiting Denver to see my cousin Debra whom had lived here for the past year, trying to start a new in Colorado. Steven was super excited, not only because he was going to see my cousin, but also because this meant me and him could finally meet. We had been talking on the phone for a long time, and felt like great friends.

Steven couldn't have been happier, me as well. but i also knew that My ex was going to throw a tantrum, and put up a fight.

The day of the trip, i remember Steven calling me to say he was leaving, and i just played it off like i was super excited. i was super excited but i already knew that me and my ex would have this huge argument over it. . Boy was i right.. once my ex found out that Steven was coming to town, the dishes started getting thrown and the separating of the items were starting to get put in separate corners. I didn't know that the visit was going to make us argue so much, and would have just kept it on the hush, had i known the extent and boundaries my ex was willing to cross, due to this little visit.

I knew Steven was going to be upset if i didn't see him and i Knew my ex would break off the relationship, if i did go see Steven.

What was i supposed to do??, i decided that my relationship was worth more to me, and even tho i wanted to meet this guy that i had this great connection with, i didn't want to lose the connection that i had already found.

So i avoided Steven like the Plague and didn't except any of his calls or make any plans to meet up with him. I know it hurt his feelings really bad, he was super excited and then when i tried to explain my side. he wanted to have nothing to do with me, which was understandable. I was a jerk for not telling him before hand, what the situation was like if i did go and meet up with him. I still wonder if it would have been like to hang out with Steven...what if i have fell in love with my cousin's ex boyfriend? geez thats a famiLy dinner i don't wanna be apart of. I still talk to Steven these days tho.

The last time that i spoke to him was on FaceChat messenger on FaceBook, and he was slamming Vodka, i know that he still drinks, and that i cant be around alcohol, so that means that we would never work out together well. Who knows tho, he lives in Chicago now, but i wonder if he lived her in Denver, would it be a match made in Heaven...or a match made IN HELL??

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People Do Crazy Stuff, and I just Paint the pictures of The emotion it brings.

Hello my name is Steven.. this is my Blog and Art website, i do plan on eventually selling my paintings.. on this website but for right now I'm mostly just blogging while I'm recovering from surgery i had on my leg.


I Love Art and the emotion it can influence on people, Music is my second passion along with scary Movies and least the idea that Magic can  exist if your heart is pure and full of love.


Above are some of my paintings along with pictures of Myself.  


Thanks for checking out my Website and please feel free to read any of my post's

and if interested in buying a painting or drawing , Please feel free to contact me whenever its convenient for you. 

Sincerely, All the best, Regards

Steven R. 

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