Art, Getting High with Mom?
So my mom's care started making a squealing sound the last few days like the Belt in her engine is too tight. its been doing that off and on for a while ever since she let her ex BF, work on the Alternator....while having a few beers in the process.. I told her it was a bad idea, but she laughed at me like i was the crazy one.
So i just let it go and hoped for the best.. but the other day when i went with her to my Brothers house in Thornton, the car decided to let us have it, and made allot of squealing and wouldn't stop for nothing..luckily it happened on the way back, and she had the money to have it fixed...otherwise she would have been in a panic.
Going with her in the morning to the Auto shop was actually good, the car wasn't making allot of noise, almost like the car knew that we were going to the Auto Shop. that would be awesome if thats true..but. We went in an we both knew it was going to cost allot more then 80$ that the guy on the phone quoted us. "yeah 80$...for the belt itself probably." i thought to myself when she let me know he told her that on the phone.
Dropped the car of and we had time to kill, we were on a busy street with allot of traffic so there were stores and restaurants lined up all the way. I told her that we should go to the Goodwill thrift store, and she agreed. the thrift store was only about 2 blocks down.
Walked in and it was really busy. i guess it was some Holiday, so it meant that mostly everything was 50% off. which is AWESOME in any type of store, be it a thrifts store, or a High end Outlet store. I was going to find something even if i didn't like it that much because i wanted to take advantage of the sale. I actually found two pairs of jeans and the price came to 10$. Was really cool to find jeans for that cheap. As we walked out i knew that we had allot more time to kill, but wasn't sure what to do,
So we started walking back, and my mom said " oh thats a weed store." as we walked by this building, and i was like " oh really???.. well lets go in." i wasn't even thinking about buying weed at all till she pointed out that we passed one as we walked by it. my mom has always stayed away from smoking weed, but since its legal now. She cant get mad at me for smoking it...and i was out of painkillers for my leg .."hoping to be off those soon, when my leg fully heals" but weed has always helped me out with pain and i had money so wanted to get some for sure,
walking in we were greeted by a woman with purple hair. My mom was a bit skeptical at first..but she was in a good mood that day for some reason so she lightened up, and started looking around. I went to the counter where the guy at the counter was an asked me what i was looking for, looked around and found the exact thing i asked him for, which was weed that takes physical pain away.
i always thought that it would be years and years before we were able to order weed in plastic neon bags and placed an even cooler carry-out bag. and now days I'm able to walk in and walk out with an Eighth or candy that is weed.
My mom actually let me smoke weed in front of her and even joked about taking a puff, but when it came time, she backed out.. which i was kinda glad i cant imagine my own mom high, she has always been such a sober reality in my Drug induced life that i am so Happy to know i have a person in my life that doesn't do any kind of drug, besides prescription if she needs it.
The joint...OH YEAH the guy gave me a free joint for some' reason, so that was AWESOME. but i didn't have a pipe and i bought an eight of some calming weed. but the joint was sativa, and i don't like how sativa effects me, it always gets me all paranoid and i think everyone is looking at me or something. so i try to stay away from much as possible, BUT if the time comes where its the only weed to smoke, i'll take a few puffs. And thats exactly what i did...took a few puffs of the joint, sitting on a Bench made for sitting , not a bus stop.
I'm really high after 3 hits so i put the joint away...I'M LIKE REALLY HIGH. so i don't want my mom to know how high i am , cuz she's staring at me, waiting for me to freak out or something. i'M like lets go walk around. we happen to walk past an art store and i say lets go in, one because i love art , and two because all these passing cars. walking in the Art store we are greeted by the cutest dog..unfortunately my mom is not an Animal lover, so she immediately voices out " ugh a DOG." i Love animals so i'm like "AWE a DOG" . there was actually some really Cool art there, paintings, drawings, molded sculptures. i want to buy a few things, but the prices are a bit high, not too high but definitely not cheap. we are there for a few minutes and i manage to kick over my Kickstart, and make a spill on the floor. LUCKILY it didn't spill on any of the Art there. or i would have felt miserable, and i would probably have to buy it too, it wasn't the Biggest Art store on the street. So i thanked good graces and kept looking..about 15 minutes my mom is already saying lets go.. i'm like dang we barely got in here. so i'm getting ready to leave, and i see the smaller paintings in a section on the floor. i quickly start looking real quick, before i leave..then i see this painting...and Immediately Connect with this painting, of a girl with Blue hair and starts and moons . it speaks to me..mentally of course..but i know i have to buy this painting, and will regret if i don't buy it. so i look at the price on the other side and its 15$. AWESOME. so i bought it. An continue to be happy with my decision.
This Girl on it is Beautiful and magical Looking.