junk FOOD ugh
Losing the weight and getting back in shape, has to be the hardest thing ever in some people. although i dont consider myself overweight and outta shape, i still want to be as lean as i possibly can, and have a body that i am truly proud of. I know that working out and dieting is the only way to truly get to where i want to be, its just so hard sometimes to actually make yourself get out of the house and do the hard work that a person must do in order to get the body i want.
I have seen all the ads and commercials about losing weight fast and ways to cheat the process of losing the belly fat. but do they actually work.. also its so funny how the American public is all about looking skinny and being beautiful but every other commercial and post is about a new junk food that is the best tasting food ever. i heard they are making a new pizza that is actually fried chicken instead of crust and is pizza and chicken in one, or the new hamburger that has 4 stacks of meat with 3 stacks of bacon,. How do they expect people to be skinny and in shape if all they do is advertise Junk food as the only food to truly make a person happy..
Im going to start swimming and biking again like i used to, and not have to worry about getting into the shape i want to be in because i'll already be there. at what point does someone start eating healthy and throw the junk food away when all they can think about is the comfort food. I want my comfort food to be carrots and greens instead of chips and hot wings. I know that i can do this and i know all it takes is some commitment and motivation, but its just getting to that point. currently i'm about to start making myself do this because i know that i can and how it will make me feel truly amazing.

d i will feel once i have hit the spot that i want to be in.