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rated R Disney flick?y

i have been waiting for the new Beauty and the Beast Film to release it's trailer..and boy was i Not disappointed . the film looks really good and the graphics look to be top notch. Although i never would have guessed that Hermiley from harry potter would be a good Belle. but watching her in action she actually fits it pretty well. the furniture and the beast have to be the best part tho. I wasn't knowing what to expect when waiting to see what the live furniture characters and the beast were going to look like. have to admit that they did an awesome job on making it all look like a very real portrait of what we as the general public would imagine. So that being said, i wonder if they will put music by having the characters sing during the movie, turning it into an all out musical, or go Maleficent style and make it just a straight up Movie to enjoy no singing necessary.

I always wondered what Disney film would look like when made into real life "Blockbusters" even tho blockbuster doesn't exist anymore the term can still be used for those of us who remember why they used that term.. also now that they are making all the disney cartoons into real life, such as cinderella, jungle book, sleeping beauty and now beauty and the beast, what is next for them to make. i heard that they are in works for making the little mermaid with the chick from superbad and Carrie as Ariel, and they are going to make Dumbo using real elephants. which would be so awesome and with todays computer effects they can make real elephants fly around.. especially knowing that jungle book actually had no real animals just the boy was real and the thats about it for the entire film.

with today's films and all the violence and sex they endorse and film, it isn't long before we are going to see two disney characters going at it on screen, or killing each other, and keep in mind that actual fairy tales were never filled with sugar and creme. the original fairy tales and bedtime stories had allot of not so happy endings and violence to even make a war hero cover his eyes. such as the little wooden boy who couldn't tell a lie without his nose growing...the original tale of him had him killing his little cricket friend for annoying him, and running away from his father, along with getting in a ton of trouble and having to die a couple of times before learning his lesson and becoming a real boy, the funny part is that even tho his little cricket friend gets killed by him, he comes back as a ghost and still stays by his side to give him good advice and the option of doing the right thing,, that goes to show that a good conscious will still come back no matter how many times you try to get rid of it.. which is awesome!

sometimes waiting for a movie and anticipating its coming is so hard and fierce for everyone that when it actually does come out, its a HUGE disappointment for the entire American public, such as the case of Godzilla made in 1999. i kinda thought that it was good but then once they did the whole little Godzilla's running around trying to kill the characters it got really sad. all i know is that the system for censorship in the U.S is getting weaker and weaker as families are starting to realize that just by making everything look censored and blocked on film, doesn't mean that anything gets less or more violent and crazy in the world. it actually makes things worse thinking that in movies everything is perfect and real life is messed up. granted they shouldn't make movies not censored at all, because kids do not need to be exposed to all the exploits of the world, and see things that could scare a child for the rest of their lives, but at least make it relatable. who cares that parents around the world want to cover their kids eyes for every sex scene and let them watch people get torn apart and gush blood. doesn't make a huge difference to them, their kids are still gonna see it and only want to see whatever they can't see allot more..speaking of cover, the world has its first Cover boy, not Cover girl, Cover boy..yes some little Twink with freckles that puts on makeup and is proud to flaunt and bat those thick eyelashes.. finally they are showing what has been going on for decades,, and parents are still appalled by it. one lady wrote this YouTube news group called TheYoungTurks and said how she told her 8yr son that , it was a girl on tv when he asked why is that boy wearing makeup? and when he realized his mother was straight up lying to his face, she claimed she didn't know what to say to i'm assuming she slapped him for asking to many questions and made him go read his bible without supper.

although she knows that gay guys who wear makeup exist and are everywhere, she still wanted to shield her son from that type of gay and claim that he was a totally different gender so her son would think like a conservative for a few more years.

when its all over tho and American censorship no longer exists, do we really want to even know what that will be like? if they don't censor movies anymore because kids have been exposed to everything and there is no longer a need for it ....what does that say about us adults.. do we even want to have that kind of world, where anything goes and limits are few...i don't. i like the idea that in some far off Universe life is perfect and animals talk and fairy godmothers are a real thing.

heres to hoping we stay centered and censored.

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People Do Crazy Stuff, and I just Paint the pictures of The emotion it brings.

Hello my name is Steven.. this is my Blog and Art website, i do plan on eventually selling my paintings.. on this website but for right now I'm mostly just blogging while I'm recovering from surgery i had on my leg.


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Steven R. 

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